Professional Carpet Installation

October 15, 2016 at 4:10 pm

proper carpet installation
Carpet fitter

Properly installed carpet makes it look and  last much longer.  If your carpet is not installed properly by professionals the life of your carpet will most likely suffer.  Your room may not look as good as well.

Coventry Carpets guarantees their carpet installation and takes pride in their work. Coventry is  one of  few carpet companies in Denver that actually do their own installations.  In fact, most other retailers sub out their work.  At Coventry  our installation crews have over 30 years of carpet experience.

A proper installation technique for carpet installation would be to use a power stretcher,  only a knee kicker would be adequate for putting on new stairs.

Remember, carpet is a textile,  if seams are visible that does not mean it to a poor installation.  seam tape and direct lighting are usually the reasons seam are more visible in some places verse others.  Another good example of textile seaming would be clothing,  take a quick glance at what your wearing, and you will notice seams typically far more than you do on carpet.

Proper ventilation after carpet  installation helps to remove the smell you can get after the new carpet has been put down.  Try and keep your windows open and fans flowing to provide proper ventilation for a couple of days.

Clean your carpet  with a quality vacuum cleaner  weekly, it will  improve your indoor air quality and make your  room look nice. Do some research on vacuums,  Dyson vacuums are very hard on carpet, and can often leads to carpet looking ratty long before they should.   Make sure to follow these tips:

  • Dust first and then vacuum. Start your cleaning by dusting your blinds, windows and furniture and then vacuum this dust up while cleaning your carpet.
  • Take your time and do it right hitting the entire room thoroughly including the corners where dirt and dust can build up.
  • Empty or replace the vacuum bags when they are half to two thirds full.
  • Hiring a professional to deep clean your carpet at least once a year will extend its life.

Coventry Flooring is the home of the lifetime installation guarantee! Give us a call today to get started on a new look for your home!






Category: Carpet and Flooring

How Is Commercial Carpet Different From  Residential?

October 1, 2016 at 3:38 pm

commercial carpet
Grand Hotel commercial carpet
  • Businesses experience a higher volume of foot traffic, so the flooring needs to be able to take the traffic without having to be replaced too soon. Commercial space with heavy  traffic should select a commercial carpet  to withstand the heavier foot traffic.
  • Durability and economy are the goals of commercial carpet .
  • Residential carpet is designed with comfort in mind and it typically uses a thicker padding.
  • Residential carpeting usually has bigger pile and a looser loop design.

Advantages of Commercial Carpet

  • Commercial carpet is designed to be sturdier so the material generally has a shorter pile and tight looping which provides the density needed to spring back  into its original shape.
  • Most commercial carpets are stain-resistant, which cuts down on how often they need to be cleaned.

Disadvantages of Commercial Carpet

  • Rougher texture
  • Less comfortable to stand on because less padding

Commercial Carpet Materials 

  • Nylon is the most used option because it is durable, stain resistant and attractive.
  • Olefin is a little less durable but is much cheaper than nylon. For this reason it is often used in commercial spaces without a lot of foot traffic or if the tenant is moving within a few years.

Commercial Carpet Construction

There are three major types of commercial carpet construction.

  1. Cut pile is usually the most expensive and the nicest. This type of carpet is plusher  and is often used in high-end office space.
  2. Loop is the most common type used in commercial spaces. The fibers are looped not cut, which minimizes fraying and gives the carpet   Big areas with a lot of foot traffic usually use this style of carpet.
  3. Carpet tile is used in all types of commercial applications for high traffic areas. The reason for the installation of carpet tile in high traffic areas is that the tiles in these areas can be replaced with tiles from lower traffic areas and the look of the building is easier to maintain. Tiles that have been damaged can be replaced with new ones. This movement of carpet tiles helps maintain the look of the carpet and it lasts longer because of it.


Coventry Carpets guarantees their installation and takes pride in their work. We are one of very few carpet companies in Denver that actually do our own installations.  Most other retailers sub out their work.  Most of our installation crews have over 30 years of carpet experience.  Coventry employees are reliable, honest, hardworking and pleasant to have in your home or business.  Some notable installations are the “Brown Palace Hotel”, “Regis University” and “Briarwood Inn”.





Category: Commercial Carpet

Carpet Tile information

September 20, 2016 at 11:47 pm

carpet tile
carpet tile

Carpet tile is also called carpet squares or modular carpet and is an alternative to standard carpet rolls.

The market share of carpet tile has grown significantly over the last couple of years. Historically it has been primarily used for commercial floor installation, but a growing number of residential carpet manufacturers have begun to market products aimed at the consumer. Carpet tile is used in all types of commercial applications for high traffic areas. The reason for the installation of carpet tile in high traffic areas is that the tiles in these areas can be replaced with tiles from lower traffic areas and the look of the building is easier to maintain. Tiles that have been damaged can be replaced with new ones. This movement of carpet tiles helps maintain the look of the carpet and it lasts longer because of it. The higher initial cost of carpet tiles is often times offset by the fact that you can replace a damaged tile easily without having to replace an entire area.

Carpet Tile qualities:
• Tile sizes: many sizes from 18” inch to 24” plus long rectangle sizes are available
• Multiple fiber types
• Multiple pile style types
• Multiple manufactured types
• Multiple adhesive types
• Multiple ways you can lay the direction of the tile to create a unique design to fit your style
Carpet tile backing material options include:
• Vinyl
• Fiberglass
• Urethane
• Woven polypropylene
Choosing Your Carpet Tile
You need to consider the size of the tiles and envision the room and floor as a one entity. If you are creating a pattern with the tiles make sure they will work with the size of your space so the pattern works as intended.
• Easier to install than standard carpet rolls.
• Easy cleaning. Individual carpet tiles can be removed for cleaning or even replaced if damaged or stained.
• For areas that have excessive cleaning (schools, restaurants, etc) the fused backing allows for carpet NOT to delaminate, thus extending the life of the Carpet.
• Since the carpet is fused into a harder backing you are less likely to pull out loops or getting snags.
• Carpet tile needs to be glued down, so you will lose a comfortable foot feel if thinking about a residential application.

Category: Carpet

Choosing the right carpet padding is as important as the carpet

September 6, 2016 at 8:42 pm

Your  comfort and how long your carpet lasts depend on it. You cannot see the padding under the carpet but it helps keep your carpet clean, comfortable, and free from odors. The higher the quality of your carpet cushion, the more comfortable that your carpet will be underfoot and the longer your carpet will last.

Do you have pets?  If so, you might want a moisture barrier between the carpeting and the padding to prevent urine from getting into the padding.

Using the correct cushion offers so many benefits but not using the correct cushion can:

  • Cause your carpeting to wrinkle and buckle.
  • Cause your carpet to separate from the backing or even pull apart at the seams.
  • Cause your carpet or become worn out before its useful life.
  • Invalidate the carpets warranty.

Carpet installOnce you have picked out your carpet, spend some time thinking about the pad and asking the company your purchasing the carpet from to recommend the correct padding for your situation.

At Coventry Flooring we can help you pick the padding and moisture barrier (Pet Protect) for your home or office.  We typically recommend at least a 1/2 inch rebond padding.   This can vary to a slightly thicker pad if you want your carpet to be extra soft.  Call today and don’t forget we offer a lifetime installation guarantee on all of our carpet installations.

Category: carpet padding

You have decided that carpet is the best choice for your home now what?

August 27, 2016 at 4:30 pm

There are so many options to consider when choosing carpeting. Today’s carpet has a huge variety of styles,
fibers, and colors. The following information will help you find the best carpeting for your lifestyle. You should ask the following questions to help you decide.

• What is the main use for the room(s) going to be?

• What kind of traffic do you expect?
• Will this room(s) be the center of activity in your home?
• Does this room have direct access from outside where you can track dirt in?
• Do you have pets and or children?
• Am I planning to be in the house for over 10 years? Over 5? Shorter? Longer?
• What kind of statement am I trying to make in regards to styling?
• Are you more into soft fibers? Or lower profile carpets?

Color and Texture is becoming more Prominent
Some of the new carpet trends are geared toward tweed colors and subtle patterns.
Softer fibers and extremely stain resistant yarns are also on the rise, Many tend to
coordinate easily with designs and patterns in other furnishings. This new style of carpet
is changing the perception of how carpet is perceived as not only a background to
showcase other furnishing but also can bring the focal point to the carpet itself.
At Coventry Carpets, we are well versed with the current design trends in color and
fashion, and are happy to help you chose the correct carpet for your home. Our unique
mobile showroom can bring these options directly to your home, so you can see them in
the true nature of your current lighting and décor. Our beautiful design center ( by
appointment only) is another way to look at fancy, fun carpets that will for sure make
you the envy of all your neighbors and friends.

Why Wait, Give Coventry Carpets a call today!

Carpet for your home

Category: Carpet